Money Coaching with Adhiambo
DATE: 06.08.2017
Q. How were you feeling before our coaching sessions?
I had low self-esteem I felt like I was constantly living in between where I wanted to be and where I am now and not seeing any progress at all. I felt quite low and found it very difficult to internalise my achievements.
Q. How did you feel afterwards?
I felt like I never have to apologise for being me. I know I have achieved more in my life than I dreamt of at 29 and I am exactly where I need to be. I am also learning to enjoy just what is rather than constantly living in what could be.
Q. What were you struggling with before our coaching together?
My self esteem and thinking that as much as I tried I couldn’t make any more money. I am also prone to worry and you helped me realise I am on the right path and have nothing to worry about.
Q. Who would you recommend coaching with me and why?
Whilst working with Ilana my mum was going through surgery after a car accident and couldn’t be as supportive as she usually is of my efforts in progressing my life which can be quite challenging sometimes.
Ilana was the mum I needed at the time, she encouraged me and made me see myself in a totally different light. A week before our sessions ended I got the opportunity to work with a very successful 7 figure entrepreneur in london. He is teaching me a lot about business one to one and accepts me 100% for who I am. Acceptance at work for me has been one thing I was looking for my whole career. The opportunity is everything I could have hoped for. I also had a goal to clear all my debt by the end of September 2017 and I am on track to get that done. Thank you Ilana.
Q. What are you most excited about as a result of working with me? How did it help you?
You know a lot about so many things, like when I told you about my energy levels you knew how that could change and helped me. You knew about NLP practices too and that was amazing.
Thank you for being exactly what I needed in my life while we worked together. Thank you for listening and asking about my dates and encouraging me so much. I’ll miss our Friday sessions for sure.
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